The oil painting ”Mona” is one of my ”medium-sized paintings” I created (160 cm high) several years ago. But it’s also the one that has gone absolutely fastest to paint. I Love this way of painting because it becomes very expressive and colorful. At the same time very playful in color and shapes. Simply pure painting pleasure.
The photosession
The basis for the oil painting ”Mona” wasn’t so good. It was at the time when I hadn’t decided yet to photograph with professional equipment. Mona had to sit on my kitchen table and I directed spotlights from the ceiling to create some kind of interesting light. I don’t remember if I had a tripod at least to counteract motion blur in the pictures. Because of too long shutter speeds in the dark room. Anyway I think the painting still holds today, even though I’ve repainted some details. Several of the paintings I created around the time of ”Mona” I have completely given up hope of. There are som exceptions I’m still struggling with though. Because there is much to be gained by overcoming various obstacles, not least lessons learned. Generally it’s better to create new paintings though